Nuts and Bolts


The purpose of this post is to give you the details about exam dates and times.

I am sure that you know that the exams start in week nine and that the timetable will operate with three periods before lunch and two periods after- just like in the olden days.

Year 11 English (101/102) will be held on Monday, September the 10th. It is a morning exam, which means it starts at 8.50am not at 9am as some would have it!

Year 12 English (201/202) will be held on the morning of September 11 and Year 13 English (301/302) on September 10 in the afternoon. Remember afternoon exams start at 1pm.

Don’t be late to any of your exams! Be at the exam room at least 10 minutes before the exam is due to start.

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