One for 101


The next exam summary post is for English 101.

The exam is three hours long. You will sit five papers, details below:

Formal Writing (1.2) AS 90053 – you need to spend 40 minutes writing this paper and write at least 250 words. There are 10 topics. The topics have been chosen to reflect topical issues that teenagers would have opinions on.

Extended Texts (1.3) AS 90054 – you need to spend 30 minutes to complete this paper and write at least 250 words. Every one of you will be writing about a novel. Students in 101 either read The Lord of the Flies or they read Letters from the Inside.

Short Texts (1.4) AS 90055 – you need to spend 30 minutes to complete this paper and write at least 250 words. For this standard you need to write about TWO short texts or TWO poems. You need to write about both the short texts in one essay.

Visual Texts (1.5) AS 90056 – you need to spend 30 minutes to complete this paper and write at least 250 words. Every one of you will be writing about a film that you studied in class this year. So that is either Heavenly Creatures or October Sky.

Close Reading (1.6) AS 90057 – This may be the last standard mentioned but it is still important. You need to spend 50 minutes to complete this paper. You will read four unfamiliar texts and they will be:

Prose– a written text, maybe an extract from a short story or novel.

Poetry– a NZ poem

Visual-an advertisement or a poster where you have to comment on verbal and visual features.

Oral– an extract from a speech or maybe a transcript from a television show.

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