Another essay for your consideration


Another essay on Wilfred Owen’s poetry completed in exam conditions. I am grateful for all contributions, however, I would welcome an essay on another topic for a bit of variety! Any comments?

Discuss ideas, opinions or information in your studied texts that caused a strong reaction in you as a reader.

Wilfred Owen was an anti-conflict poet of the World War One era, his poems are heavy with anger, cynicism and imagery from his front line experiences. As he stated “the poetry is in the pity”. He was desperately infuriated by the patriotism and myopia of the British public at the time, and he used his poetry like a weapon to end the needless deaths of millions during the war.

In his poem “Anthem for doomed youth”, Owen questions the sincerity of a formal Christian burial, and the justification for the deaths of countless soldiers on the battle field.

“What passing-bells for these who die as cattle? Only the stuttering rifle’s rapid rattle”

The dead soldiers get no respect, nothing to mark their pointless deaths whereas at home a funeral is full of formality and tradition. This angered Owen, that a comfortable death at home is rewarded with useless formalities, he saw it as a “mockery” for dead soldiers. I agree, where is the use in acknowledging death with useless ceremony when the things that count go un-noticed?

His poem “Dulce Et Decorum Est” describes a mustard gas attack on a group of fatigued soldiers. Since the people at home had no real idea of the horror of the front line, Owen in this poem is trying to sell the blind patriots some reality by describing events he witnessed. It is a shocking and powerful poem with lots of emotive language “Cursed, trudged, old beggars” and gruesome imagery of the attack.

“Floundering like a man in fire or time … blood come gurling from froth corrupted lungs

vile as … cancerous sores on innocent tongues”

Owen is educating people on the truths of war, and this poem taught me a lot. It taught me that war is not a camping trip with guns, as many unwitting war supporters of the time thought too.

This poem is also a intellectual attack on the patriots and war supporters, trying to convey the message that death in war is not honourable or glorious, contrary to the old ideals that were still held at the time. Owen writes “If you could see… my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children desperate for some ardent glory, the old lie” Dulce et Decorum Est, Pro patria mori.”

Owen is stating his belief that if you knew what really went on, you would stop sending all these young men to their deaths.

Wilfred Owen had strong ideals (backed up by experience) that war was a waste and only the myopia and stupidity of people in power let it continue. It was up to the masses to end the conflict, so he used his poetry to convey his ideals in direct disagreement of the patriots and politicians.

20 thoughts on “Another essay for your consideration

  1. I believe that the poor choice of question has unfortunately given this student too many options and this has resulted in a lack of structure. Grammar could use some work.

  2. They word things really badly and don’t know how to weave quotes, as the teacher would say. Bad structure I think, and I don’t think their conclusion really sounds like a conclusion. Who wrote this?

  3. I don’t think Ms Cowie is allowed to tell you who wrote it (just in case you decide to hunt them down in a mad killing spree against those who use poor grammar!)

  4. it isn’t very controlled. the author of this little essay certainly has a passion, and has some original ideas, which i think the marker would appreciate. They used quiet informal language, and i don’t know whether this is a good thing. i liked it as it was an emotional response, but they didn’t really refer back and answer the question. so a good achieved?

  5. They have very good vocab but they lack in structure and control. Didn’t like the choice of question either, the author seemed to go off on many tangents and not really relate them to the question.But overall its ok , achieved

  6. I don’t personally believe that the writer of this essay truly understands Owens poems, and the themes behind them. The structure of the essay is decent and it is reasonably well written, but the writer does not demonstrate an in depth knowledge into Owens ideas, they seem to have tried to jam as much of their notes into the essay as they can, without fully understanding the themes behind the poems or how Owen created them to sound.
    The statement, “he used his poetry like a weapon to end the needless deaths of millions during the war” in the introduction is not acurate, owens wanted to show the world that there was no glory or honour in the war as propoganda and patriotic poets portrayed it.

  7. I think this was a hard question to choose. The author was able to use good quotes that linked in well with what they were saying. They don’t have a lot of information on each poem but what they do have is supported quite well.

  8. I think the introduction could be better, they haven’t really outlined what they are going to say. quotes need to be weaved, not stated. and no, i don’t think we are allowed to know who wrote it.

  9. could have been made into an excellent question if the author had stuck with one idea. not weaving qoutes. could have been much better, (A)

  10. yea.. this person was one of those who just doesn’t know how to weave quotes. quite sad really. the essay just isn’t very convincing. this poor person has a lot to work on, there is so much to improve. babble babble babble.

  11. ‘Sell the blind patriots’ very good.
    ‘with lots of emotive language’ tad informal.
    Structure is difficult to follow but the conclusion uses impressive big words.
    Call this a medium or high acheived

  12. Um…. “Owen is educating people on the truths of war, and this poem taught me a lot. It taught me that war is… ” sounds terrible. “It taught me a lot..” ewww! and i agree with Toby, the question really sucks.. they should’ve chosen some other one, because I’m pretty sure the writer understands the text, they just don’t know how to relate it that well to the question…

  13. I Don’t Particularly Like This Essay At All.
    It Seems To Be Told Like A Story Rather The Writers Interpretation Which Was Appropriate For The Question Chosen Though,
    The Integration Of Quotes Wasn’t Too Well Done The Chosen Quotes Do Not Really Fit And Are Just Added In Anywhere.
    The Writer Has Used Very Interesting And To A Point Convincing Language. The Essay Had A structure, Well Sort Of. Not Really.
    I Think That They Need To Choose A Better Question Next Time And Work On Their Understanding Of The Deeper Meaning of The Poems They Studied.

  14. I think that they need to work on their introduction they shouldn’t be giving the reader a background on Owens life they should be giving the reader an idea on their main points that they will address in their essay.

  15. but although they can not weave qoutes they did do a grand job at remembering the qoutes from the poem
    high achived, or bad merit

  16. I think this shows poor question choice. Also, it is clear the writer has not developed the skill of ‘weaving’ quotes into their response…oh, and i think they should colour something in , a map maybe!

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