The opening sequence of The Shawshank Redemption

Here is a brief summary of the opening sequence:

  • blank screen with major credits and Inkspots’ song over: ‘If I Didn’t Care’.
  • fade-up to night scene; long shot of two lights at the beginning of a drive; lit building in background
  • camera tracks back to pick up dark shape of car; silhouette of driver lit by dash lights; music track decreases in volume
  • camera tracks forward slightly and pans around to pick up driver in medium-side shot; he looks dishevelled, leans forward and reaches over to glove compartment; Foley track becomes more prominent
  • close-up of hand retrieving bundle from compartment; camera follows as bundle taken across to driver’s lap and opened to reveal a revolver and loose bullets; hand moves to find and open a small bourbon bottle
  • cut to medium-front-on shot of driver swigging
  • soundtrack of courtroom scene becomes prominent; cut to front-on close-medium shot of character being asked a question about a murder in court; piano music track in background
  • sequence of question-and-answer shots in day-lit courtroom
  • cut to medium-night shot of man backing through doorway; woman follows; door is pushed closed and they embrace against it
  • cut to another medium shot; question-and-answer sequence in the courtroom
  • cut to close-up of hands loading the revolver in the car
  • cut to medium-front shot of driver through windscreen
  • cut to sequence of question-and-answer shots in courtroom
  • cut to slow pan of jury
  • cut to close-medium question-and-answer sequence with characters becoming more intense
  • cut to close-up of hands preparing revolver, cut to close-medium shot of driver taking another swig
  • dash lights go out; courtroom voice-over becomes prominent; interior light comes on as driver opens door
  • cut to close-up of foot emerging from car; soundtrack of things falling; glass breaking; close-up of feet walking towards drive
  • cut to front-on full shot of driver walking unsteadily forward towards gate; he walks into medium shot
  • cut back to courtroom sequence, cut to series of close-ups of the lovers against the door; courtroom soundtrack still over
  • cut to sentencing scene in court; close-up of judge; cut to zoom in on Mr Dufresne
  • cut to black; soundtrack of door slamming loudly

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