Essay Introduction #2

‘Baba sighed, “It may be unfair, but what happens in a few days, sometimes even a single day, can change the course of a whole lifetime, Amir.” To what extent was Baba prophetic?’

Baba’s statement is the essence of this novel, for it describes exactly what Amir, from Khaled Hosseni’s The Kite Runner faces during this gripping text. One moment of a single great day ends up haunting Amir’s life forever, however, Baba’s statement could also have been a reflection of his own past rather than prophetic words for Amir. Baba, before moving to America, is more of an authority figure for Amir than a father and his statement may well just be a secret indication to Amir about his relationship with Hassan’s mother.

Any thoughts on Quentin’s introduction?

7 thoughts on “Essay Introduction #2

  1. Good use of adjectives and it answers the question almost straight away. He gets straight to the point and doesn’t waffle on (even though waffles are great!)
    Uses grammatically correct language that is understandable for the readers.

    We like this introduction.

  2. It introduces an in depth insight into Baba’s words, the first sentence sounds a bit too like a film review due to the language used Eg. “this gripping text”.
    The question is well answered and shows what is going to be discussed in the essay.

  3. Perceptive and in dept, this shows that you have a deep understanding of the text, but I feel that you have over-used the adjectives. It is hard to tell where you are going with the rest of you essay as you have made too many points

  4. Well, for Quentin’s introduction, I think it’s brilliant, sort of anyway.In the beginning, the first thing that he has written is his opinion on Baba’s statement. However, the sentence doesn’t seem to flow right (not in my mind anyway), like there should be another comma after “The Kite Runner” and eventually the introduction doesn’t waffles on-seen as you were talking about waffles. It does indicate a really good essay but it seems it will be a long one, thats what Quentin would do to us. I still like the introduction though.

  5. In the first sentence, he says that it describes what Amir faces exactly but there’s more to the novel than just that. Although, he then backs up what he has just said. He also gives too much of his opinion for the introduction when it should be the main structure. However, the structure of this introduction is effective and relative to the topic. It also gives his opinion straight away and answers the question. Ka Pai! =]

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