Essay Introduction #3

This question is more like the NCEA questions that you are familiar with. The introduction is from Rose.

Analyse how one or more minor characters helped you understand a main character.

The novel The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, is written from the perspective of an adult, Amir, reflecting on his childhood, growing up in Afghanistan. From the outset of the novel the reader feels that Amir is somehow weighed down by his past. That despite his efforts to repress it, “the past claws its way out”. As we begin to delve into Amir’s past we quickly learn that a figure who had a huge influence on Amir’s life was Hassan, a Hazara boy whose father was the servant of Amir’s father. It is through the contrast between Amir and Hassan’s personality that we are truly able to see who Amir is, and begin to understand his motivations and thoughts.

10 thoughts on “Essay Introduction #3

  1. We think that it partly answers the question, it introduces a minor character, Hassan, and a main character, Amir. It starts to say how the contrast between the two boys helps to give you a better understanding of Amir. However we think that she could have been more specific by introducing some points that explain how Hassan helped us understand Amir better.

  2. This introduction is well put as she tells us enough information to want to carry on reading the essay. Rose uses good quotes and answers the question well in just one paragraph. If Rose now goes into depth and gives an explanation and an example then the rest of the essay will be super good.

  3. I think that the question has been answered well in context of the novel.
    Matthew (katikati socialist union party of communist socialist republic states(KSUPCSRS))

  4. This is better than a punch in your face It explains everything well and sets up the rest of the essay as you it could be elaborated more and stuff.
    (katikati socialist union party of communist socialist republic states(KSUPCSRS))
    I agree with people above… if they are right.

  5. I think that this introduction would be improved if it was more direct in its approach to the question. The only important part is relating Hassan to Amir. A better structure would be dealing with the past aspect in a paragraph to explain its importance.

    Some of this stuff would be good to include in a conclusion to relate the importance of this relationship to the plot.

    That’s just how I’d do it though.


  6. This is an effective introduction.
    It begins to answer the question but this is only in the last two sentences, she needs some keys points to back up what she will be saying in the rest of her essay. The characters Hassan and Amir are introduced to us well but no real detail of their importance and relationship is given.

  7. The bolshevicks will kill all other socialists and communists who have even a slightly different opinion, in other words, KSUPCSRS you are DEAD, (CDB) says:

    Good detail but maybe took a bit too long to answer the actual question. Ideas about contrast are really good, i agree fully with it.

  8. k maybe i did………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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