Schindler’s List Trivia

Here is some interesting trivia about Schindler’s List:

  • About 40% of the film was shot using a handheld camera.
  • There is a Jewish tradition that when one visits a grave, one leaves a small stone on the marker as a sign of respect. This is why the cast and the Schindlerjuden cover Schindler’s grave with stones at the end of the movie.
  • The film’s tagline “Whoever saves one life saves the world entire” is a quotation from the Talmud.
  • The only film released in the last quarter century to make it onto the American Film Institute’s top ten list of best American movies of all time.
  • Ranked #3 on the American Film Institute’s 100 Most Inspiring Movies of All Time (2006).
  • [June 2008] Ranked #3 on the American Film Institute’s list of the 10 greatest films in the genre “Epic”.
  • In 2007, the American Film Institute ranked this as the 8 Greatest Movie of All Time.
  • Amon Goeth’s name is pronounced “Aimen Gert”. Ralph Fiennes said in an interview that one of the reasons he was interested in playing Amon was because both their names are spelled differently then they are pronounced.
  • During the liquidation scene, one man stops to remove something from the door post of his residence. What he removes is a Mezuzah, a case containing a passage from the Torah (Deuteronomy 6:4-9), which Jews traditionally affix to the door frames of their houses as a constant reminder of God’s presence.
  • Ralph Fiennes put on 13kg by drinking Guinness for his role. Steven Spielberg cast him because of his “evil sexuality”.
  • During filming, Ben Kingsley, who played Itzhak Stern, kept a picture of Anne Frank, the young girl who died in a concentration camp and whose personal diary was published after the Holocaust, in his coat pocket.

Read more here.

Totalitarian Architecture of the Third Reich

Dark Roasted Blend has a post on the architecture of Nazi Germany which 10 KIM and Year 13 students may find of interest. Here is an extract:

Fascist and communist governments in the first half of the twentieth century both created monumental architecture, largely to intimidate their people and showcase the regime’s strengths. In a totalitarian system such as existed in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945, the government attempted to control every aspect of daily life. It used architecture to some degree to achieve this, to firmly establish its authority leaving no doubt as to who was in charge. One of the chief aims of Nazi architecture was also to reflect the beliefs of National Socialism, celebrate the German national identity and glorify the idea of the master Aryan race, as perceived by Hitler and his associates. Read the rest here.