

Welcome to the blog/website of the English Faculty at Cromwell College in New Zealand. Cromwell College is a rural co-educational secondary school in Central Otago. The purpose of this blog is:

  • To showcase our students work, from Year 9 to Year 12.
  • To share comments from students, teachers and others about books they are reading.
  • To suggest interesting and helpful websites and links.
  • To note interesting, thought-provoking and quirky sites elsewhere on the Web.
  • To write about and highlight the huge array of extracurricular activities at the College, such as fundraising events, school visits and talks.
  • To provide an opportunity for our students to share their writing and learn the skills of shaping writing in public.
  • To build up an archive of the best work produced by our students.
  • To provide a section of Faculty documents that can easily be accessed by pupils.
  • To help parents and ex-students to keep in touch with the English Faculty, supplementing the official website.

28 thoughts on “About

  1. A great collection of resources to support student learning in English — well done.
    Caterine Lee, Teacher Librarian, EGGS

  2. Nice site!

    I am interested in developing an online teacher exchange with a “high school” level (14-18 year olds) English teacher in New Zealand. I teach at medium sized high school near San Francisco, California. I would like to have the students share curriculum and work on projects revolving around works of literature/film online, i.e., have them teach each other.

    Anyone interested?

    Susan Swanson
    Sebastopol, CA

  3. I am grandfather of Angelique Viljoen, who is attending your college. I live in Athi River which is about 30 minutes drive from Nairobi in Kenya, East Africa.
    I am very impressed with your site and would encourage your students to take full advantage of this learning facility.

    Kind Regards
    Piet Holtzhausen

  4. Hello,

    Enjoyed browsing your blog. I had a quick question. Could I use the photo of the hamster that you have on here for my daughter’s school project?



  5. I want to learn how to do a Wiki like yours for my English class on Long Island, New York…What’s my first move?

  6. Hi Nat
    I attended your seminar at the NZATE conference and admire your work. Your use of blogs and wikis is inspirational. I am starting up a blog this year, using wordpress. I’d like to use tabs for the different year levels like you have done. Can you tell me how to do it please?

  7. Heya!!

    Impressed with the site, what an excellent innovation. The glowing praise you have received has been well deserved. I shall stop now… I’m afraid any more would be superfluous. 😛 Wish we’d had this when I graced your classroom. Look forward to catching up in the not too distant future 🙂


  8. What a fabulous resource! I plan to show my students what you have achieved. I know they will be inspired.
    Geraldine Reynolds FHS

  9. hello, im amber i go to te kauwhata college i think that english is really out spoken students do not know just how important it is for our futures. im in year 11 and im doing level 1 NCEA I think that english is the most boring subject but its the most important. personally i rather do drama and pe as the main subjects not math and english.

    thanks amber….

  10. Hi, my name is Isobel. I am an American student and in my English we are conducting a project about “grit” other wise known as character. In a recent study by the New York Times, schools has been influenced to create charcter report cards alongside their normal academic report card. My group and I came across “skyping with other classrooms” online and found your name and school. We would like to know if you wanted to skype with us? If you do please e-mail me at hubbabubbamaxoxo@aim.com.

  11. Hello!
    My name is Mrs. Maley and I teach 6 and 7 year olds grade 1 and 2 in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. We are doing an “All Around the World” inquiry project, and I have a 6 year old who really wants to learn about the people in New Zealand. Do you have one computer savvy, blog-awesome student who would be willing to be a blogging buddy with my student? Her name is Samantha. She has lots of questions, and we would probably want a commitment of at least one month to two months. Let me know! Thanks!
    Danielle Maley

  12. Pingback: Teacher Blogging | EDC3100 ICT & Pedagogy

  13. Pingback: Assignment One – Online Artifact | EDC3100 ICT & Pedagogy

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