Wilfred Owen Essay


Today I have another student essay for you to look at. This one was written in text conditions in 35 minutes. What do you think? Any comments? What’s good? What could be improved?

Write a detailed account of how your studied texts interested you by their choice and/or use of words and phrases.

In “Dulce et Decorum est”, Wilfred Owen uses graphic verbs and innovative descriptions to describe the absolute pity of war, to try and convince his original readers of wars futility.

Owen continues in this vein in “Disabled”, by using simple statements and blatant understatements to create an image of a young man, destroyed by war. In his poem “Anthem for doomed youth”, Owen shares his philosophy on the blindness of his culture to the horrific deaths young men faced during the war by rhetorical questions, and bold controversial statements. All these features of Owen’s poetry fascinated me, because it showed just how Owen had put his mind, heart and soul into convincing his unbelieving country that the war was an evil, soul destroying scar on the history of man.

In “Dulce et Decorum est”, Owen begins by describing young soldiers who are “knock- kneed” and “coughing like hags”. Owen completely destroys the clichéd image of young sprightly soldiers representing the epitome of upright masculinity, and replaces them with a sorry image of prematurely aged young men who are now completely physically derelict.

Owen carrys on to attack any preconceptions of war being a “walk in the park”. The use of explicit verbs such as “guttering , choking, drowing” present the readers with an alternate reality of pain and suffering, only found in the blood stained pits of war. The reader now, after only the first stanza, is confronted with the forcefulness of Owens ideas and is taken aback, yet enthralled with these blood-chillingly, almost unreal, images. These descriptions made me realise just how oblivious “the people back home” must have been to the wars utter tragicness, if Owen felt so compelled to create such profound work.

In “Disabled”, Owen also uses “shock-tactics” to convey his urgent ideals. The phrase “legless, sewn short at elbow” uses a blantant understatement to describe the remains of a young man’s body, in a short, simple and abrupt sentence. The fact the Owen vividly described his whole body in one sentence, and leaves the reader with a pitiful, war-torn image as well, emphasises his skill and prowess at conveying his compelling ideals.

The line, “he lost his colour, far away from here”, shows Owens ability to give his message in a non conventional manner. The words “he lost his colour” immedietly bring an image to mind of blood slowly draining out from the young man, as he begins to pale, and then the words “far away from here”, place this deathly occurance into a muddy hole, and make the reader feel the man’s loneliness that he felt while suffering this fate. Owen’s ability to bring you into the poem and see and experience the horrors he unfolds, made me feel helpless, to just imagine, although his intended readers would have had more ability to act on this knowledge and would have been compelled to do so, if they felt the horror and disbelief I experienced.

In “Anthem for doomed youth”, I felt that Owen had a real sense of the events around him and that he had come to conclusions of his own concerning the war and how this affected those back home. The line, “No mockeries for them, no prayers nor bells” shows Owen’s philosophy on the reality of peoples attitude to the war. The fact that Owen calls the prayers and bells, that occur for those who die, a mockery, shows his belief that the conventional rituals for the dead of war, simply made death into something soft and sombre, when in fact it was likely that the soldier died a horrible and painful death, and Owen is not afraid to speak out his views. This made me realise that Owen disregarded conventional methods and beliefs, and simply write what he felt needed to be said about the unnecessary destructiveness of war and about how blind the public was to this.

In all three of these poems Owen has used various techniques and methods to make his message clear and I feel that if I had been in his time, my view would have been changed. His un-conventional descriptions made me realise how strongly he felt about the war and how much he was determined to inform the people of the “truth”.

26 thoughts on “Wilfred Owen Essay

  1. GREAT ESSAY. Far better than mine anyway…
    A particular thing i wish to note is the author’s great integration of quotes throughout the essay.The author has thought out and formatted this essay effectively, creating a strong emotive essay. (not that i show emotion)

  2. Yes. It is a very long essay full of incredibly wonderfully beautifully creatively appropriately good expression and description. I would like to be able to write an essay like that in the exam. The writer uses many well memorized quotes which they have intricately woven into their text with ease. I did not particularly enjoy reading the essay, but it did give me something to think about… perhaps I should memorize it to use for my own essay.

  3. the writer of this essay has definitely shown in depth knowledge of his/her poetry studied. they have used a wide range of fancy technical terms that are sure to impress the judges/markers. the use of many quotes from the poems studied shows that the student has put a lot of effort into learning them off by heart to include appropriately in their essay. i enjoyed reading it… not really but it seems like a good comment to make. the way that the student/person has answered the question shows their understanding of the deeper meaning of the poetry in question. good job!

  4. I really like the choice of adjectives. They add interest and colour. I love the way that the essay reads as though the writer has decided for themselves what the poems mean, and is not just regurgitating what the teacher has told them to think.

  5. Wide range of vocabulary used, has the sort of feel that would make me think Andrew wrote it. Hard to believe that it was written in such a short amount of time. The quotes are used well for effect.

  6. I like the way the author seems to have a fresh take on the poems and clearly show what they are writing about at the start of each paragraph and then are able to elaborate fully. The author is able to carefully choose quotes that weave in very well with what they are writing, yet not going overboard with the number they use.

  7. This Essay Is Well Written.
    It’s Clearly Structered.
    It’s Full Of Interesting And Descriptive Language.
    The Authour Has Intergrated Quotes Into This Piece Well.

  8. The writer has shown an understanding of the ideas and techniques in these poems: “In his poem “Anthem for doomed youth”, Owen shares his philosophy on the blindness of his culture to the horrific deaths young men faced during the war by rhetorical questions, and bold controversial statements.”
    The writer has shown a perceptive understanding of Owen’s style of poetry: This made me realize that Owen disregarded conventional methods and beliefs, and simply write what he felt needed to be said about the unnecessary destructiveness of war and about how blind the public was to this.
    Because of this, i believe that the writer should get an excellence grade.

  9. This essay have been very well crafted.
    The quotes have been interwoven into the text beautifully.
    There is no over use of words, and a very wide range of vocabulary.

  10. Sometimes a bit wishy washy especially in the second and third paragraphs, there are a few odd sentences that don’t have the same strength or substance that most the others do, but generally very well written with a strong comprehensive argument and good evidence from all three poems.

  11. yes. everyones pretty well said what needs to be said about this.
    i only noticed the amazingly fancy words they used, such as ‘derelict’….wow no one knows what that means but it sounds so flash, we all love it.
    They got personal and made it sound deep and meaning ful, which is what you need to do for excellence…take anything and make it sound emotional and emotive and like it changed your life.

  12. Fantastic essay, interesting to read and the quote weaving was excellent. Like rose said, everyone has pretty much expressed what i feel about this essay.
    Back to other work now….like….FREERICE! yay save the kids in Africa everybody!

  13. i think this essay was rather good. or at least loads better than mine. lol.
    he incorporates the quotes into what he is trying to say quite well.

  14. OK, Natalie and Livvie this is your first blog comment and it is great to hear from you. Next time you write try to add more detail about what you thought was good and why, support your points with detail from the essay. Have a look at Sophie’s comment for ideas.

  15. The writer of this essay has definitely shown in depth knowledge of his/her poetry studied. they have used a wide range of fancy technical terms that are sure to impress the judges/markers. the use of many quotes from the poems studied shows that the student has put a lot of effort into learning them off by heart to include appropriately in their essay. i enjoyed reading it… not really but it seems like a good comment to make. the way that the student/person has answered the question shows their understanding of the deeper meaning of the poetry in question.

  16. Thanks for your comment Isaac, I think that you enjoyed reading the essay is a great comment! A good literature essay should have that effect. I also like that you understand that the student has been able to demonstrate deep understanding of Owen’s poetry. 🙂

  17. This essay was a good literature essay and i was amazed that it was writen in 35 minutes. I really liked how the student explaned his/her opinions and with every thing they added a quote to make the reader believe what they are saying. Very good use of literature and it showed their good understanding. Has a very good structure and weaves the essay together nicely. It made me keep reading because it incorparted quotes and had interesting use of words and was weaved together amazingly. Very good essay. 🙂

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