Shave for a Cure

Did you know that Shave for a Cure has long been the signature fundraiser of the Leukaemia & Blood Foundation (LBF)? This year they are taking the much-loved event to a whole new level. They’ve added a fresh look and a brand new target to create Shave 08 – New Zealand’s Greatest Shave.

The aim is to get 10,000 people shaving – that’s one shavee for each of the 10,000 people living with a blood cancer in New Zealand today. All the money raised will be used to support patients and their families living with these diseases, as well as increase public awareness and fund research for a cure.

Did you know that our Support Services alone cost more than $1,000 a day to provide? In New Zealand, six children and adults are diagnosed each day with leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma or a related blood condition – and that figure is set to rise.

We have one of our own who has decided to help. Yep, Alexis is going to Shave for a Cure! To find out how to support Alexis, click her picture below.

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