Mr. Charrington’s junk shop

If you are feeling like a bit of challenging reading try this article from Patricia Rae on the the proprietor of Winston Smith’s favorite junk shop, Mr. Charrington. Critical interest in Winston’s acquaintances has centred on O’Brien, the charismatic intellectual who engineers the sting operation leading to Winston’s arrest. Yet Charrington plays an equally important role in that entrapment, empathising with the protagonist’s desires only to preside over his deportation to the Ministry of Love.

Alfonso Cuaron’s ‘Gravity’

It seems that Alfonso Cuaron’s new film will be the 3D space film Gravity. The film will be hugely-CGI heavy with perhaps 60% CG feature animation. What would seem to make this a real challenge is that the film is set in the present day, or at least the very near future, so this is presumably intending to really push photo-realistic CGI to new levels. Apparently, the film will be shot in Cuaron’s trademark fluid style, with an opening shot intended to last at least 20 minutes.

Read more at Cinema Blend.

A conversation with Alfonso Cuaron

If you are revising Children of Men or researching Alfonso Cuaron you may find this filmcritic interview interesting. Here’s a little: What do you think was the cause of the infertility crippling the planet in Children of Men?

Alfonso Cuarón: In a way, I didn’t care that much about the infertility. For me, it was just a metaphor for the failing sense of hope. I didn’t go into the film wanting to make a science-fiction film. I didn’t want to make a movie about the future. What I was trying to make a comment about was the present. Michael Caine’s character makes a joke about (the infertility), and the juxtaposition of it is that nobody knows the cause. Somebody blames genetic experiments. Another person blames the environment. Some think it’s just nature reversing itself. Like anything in nature and life, it’s really a combination of everything.

Read the rest here.