What is a PSA?


Public service announcements are advertisements that aim to educate and create awareness of significant social issues in an effort to change the public’s attitudes and behaviours and stimulate positive social change. PSAs are usually developed by non-profit organisations (such as World Vision) and may involve TV and radio ads, social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter), and print messages on billboards, posters, brochures and postcards.

1 is 2 many

This term we will be looking at Public Service Announcements (PSAs). This PSA is aimed at men and features President Obama, Vice President Biden, Daniel Craig, Benicio Del Toro, Dulé Hill, Seth Meyers and Steve Carell. The PSA aims to put an end to sexual assault.

The Girl Whose Cancer Battle Inspired ‘The Fault In Our Stars’


Next term we will start our study of ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ and you may be interested in this post on BuzzFeed. Esther Earl, a teenager whose battle with thyroid cancer was one of John Green’s inspirations for the novel wrote herself a letter when she was fourteen. The letter was sent through futureme.org to arrive three years into the future. Esther would have been 17. The letter arrived a year after her death.


Paul Ubana Jones


We were lucky enough to have Paul Ubana Jones at school today. Paul told us about his personal musical influences which included Bob Dylan. He was just 13 when he saw Dylan perform with his band The Hawks at the Royal Albert Hall in 1965. Paul said that he had only received his first guitar two years before and the experience “changed my life”. After seeing Dylan perform he realised, “this is what I wanted to do with my life and thanks to Bob Dylan I then pursued the rigorous road of music.”